Ryan Kalil spoofs Cam Newtons birthday music video

Ryan Kalil spoofs Cam Newton's birthday music video Published: Jun 05, 2017 at 08:31 AM Shaun Livingston Jersey Last month celebrated his 28th birthday with a huge party in Costa Rica and his own music video. Cam's center, , decided to poke a little fun at the star quarterback with a music video party of his own. Here's

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49ers Super Bowl history Breaking down every title game from the five Lombardi trophies to the one miss

This Sunday, in Super Bowl LIV, the San Francisco 49ers will have the opportunity to add a sixth Lombardi trophy to their trophy case, but they'll have to take down reigning MVP Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs -- arguably the NFL's highest-flying offense. If the San Francisco can get the victory, they would then enter a tie for the most

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Sashi Brown Browns might roll with same QBs

Sashi Brown: Browns might roll with same QBs Published: Mar 01, 2017 at 05:39 AM INDIANAPOLIS -- executive vice president Sashi Brown jokingly accused a reporter Wednesday of asking a "backdoor Garoppolo" question during his media se sion here at the combine. This came after several other (failed) attempts at prodding the tea

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